Making health equity a reality through research, education, policy and practice
Reference Information for Health Professionals
Refugee Resettlement/Relocation

Please visit www.icgp.ie/COVID19 for daily updates
COVID-19 World Service
Covid 19 World Service is a joint initiative of Nasc and Together Ireland. In addition to public health videos voiced by doctors in over 30 languages, there is video messaging for parents of children returning to school voiced by education professionals including teachers and SNAs working in Ireland. Covid World Service resources
The following guidelines were recently updated and can also be found on the HPSC vulnerable Groups site
Covid-19 Guidelines for IPAS (Direct Provision)
Covid-19 Guidelines for Travellers
Covid-19 Guidelines for Homeless & Other Vulnerable groups
Covid-19 Guidelines for DSGBV settings
COVID-19 related Resources:
Traveller COVID 19 sharing resources
Roma COVID 19 sharing resources
Migrant Health COVID 19 sharing resources
Addiction COVID 19 sharing resources
Homeless COVID 19 sharing resources
DSGBV COVID 19 Sharing Resources
ICGP update on measures in place for Traveller community to combat COVID-19
Covid-19 Sharing Resources Migrant Health Migrant Health COVID 19 sharing resources
Statement from the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission on COVID-19 Oversight in Respect of Human Rights and Equality
Valuable material that is translated COVID info from Doctors of the World and the HSE: