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This video explores the issue of ethnicity data collection in GP settings in Ireland. 


It was produced based on PHE research – the HRB funded EMH IC project (2016-2019) - Ethnic Minority Health in Ireland - building the evidence base to address health inequities. 


University of Limerick, in collaboration with Shannon Family Resource Centre and Theatre for Change Galway, received a Health Research Board award to disseminate the research findings of EMH-IC project

This additional award resulted in the development of a live community drama and a video.


The video will be of interest to GPs, health service staff and policymakers, students and those interested in issues of equity in health generally.

On October 21st, 2020, The Health Research Institute, PART-IM (Participatory and Arts-Based Methods Involving Migrants in Health Research) cluster at the University of Limerick will host the first of a series of online events for anyone interested in using participatory arts-based approaches in their research.


This webinar, “The Promise and Power of Arts-Based Research”, features a keynote address by Prof. Patricia Leavy, a best-selling author, and internationally recognized leader in research design and arts-based research.  


Registration link:

Ireland has significant obligations under the UN Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD). In this paper, I analyse the degree to which Ireland complies with its freely accepted international human rights obligations as it pertains to persons seeking refugee status or subsidiary protection in Ireland. Ireland must provide significantly more information on the operation of the International Protection Act 2015, and the delays in determining whether a person is entitled to refugee or subsidiary protection. The system of direct provision needs to be examined...


A network of GPs working in areas of deprivation and with marginalised groups across the country

Dr Patrick O’Donnell, Clinical Fellow at UL GEMS was lead author on the first report of the Deep End Ireland group. This is a network of GPs working in areas of deprivation and with marginalised groups across the country. The report was co-written with Prof Susan Smith of RCSI, and it covers the work of the Deep End group to date and its future plans. This report has been sent to all members of the ICGP, and is available from The Deep End group had recently made representation to the Oireachteas Committee tasked with preparing the important Slaintecare report, and members had also met with Minister for Health Simon Harris to discusses issues faced by GPs working in areas of deprivation.

Deep End Ireland GP’s attend Leinster House to meet Minister for Health Simon Harris

Overdose awareness day

International Overdose Awareness Day 2017

Dr Patrick O’Donnell co-hosted a number of events for International Overdose Awareness Day 2017. This was as part of his work on the Partnership for Health Equity project, and the work at the clinics for marginalised groups in Limerick city. On Friday 1st of September he collaborated with representatives from Novas Initiatives and the Ana Liffey Drug Project to run an information session for those at risk of overdose, their families and those who work in the area of harm reduction. Dr O’Donnell is currently the only GP in the Mid-West prescribing naloxone (a medication to reverse the effects of opiate overdose) as part of a HSE pilot programme.

Dr patrick O'Donnell, Rachel O’Donoghue Team Leader Ana Liffey Drug Project Mid-West & Sinead Carey Manager McGarry House Homeless Hostel & Novas

The Misuse of Drugs regulations have been updated 

The Misuse of Drugs regulations have been updated and now all CD4 drugs (benzos, Z-drugs, librium) must have the total quantity in both words and figures on prescriptions.

Anchor 4

How do you solve homelessness? Give homes to the homeless…

Click here to read how one man, Sam Tsemberis, developed what now seems an obvious and simple solution to a perenially complex problem.

Anchor 5

If you only have a few minutes with a drug addict

BMJ 2015;351:h4211


S D Williams is currently completing a therapeutic recovery programme in the Ley Community (, a drug and alcohol rehabilitation centre. He draws on his personal experience to help doctors find ways to work with people like him. social& utm_source=

Anchor 6

Health needs of refugees – are we prepared?

As the EU struggles to agree on the management of the refugee crisis, it is timely to reflect on how health professionals can respond to those who will need support on arrival in Ireland, writes PJ Boyle


In part two of an article on responding to the needs of migrants and

refugees, PJ Boyle discusses their care within the Irish health services

Part 1

Part 2

About us 


The Partnership for Health Equity currently comprises four partners: The HSE Social Inclusion & Primary Care directorates, the University of Limerick, the North Dublin City GP Training Programme and the Irish College of General Practitioners.


phone: 01-6763705

address: ICGP,

4/5 Lincoln Place,

Dublin 2 

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© 2015 Partnership for health Equity

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